Coping Strategies...
Below are our articles on the subject of Coping Strategies. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

A Useful Checklist for Those About to Travel by Air
A well-prepared travel plan can ensure the journey goes ahead without surprises...

Alternatives to Flying
For those who have not succeeded in overcoming their phobia with the use of available therapies and treatments, there are many ways to still enjoy holidays and family…...

Avoiding Queues and Crowds
Most anxious flyers admit that the prospect of queing for long periods of being stuck in a crowded environment will add to their existing fear and agree that their…...

Cognitive Coping Strategies
Cognitive Coping Strategies are extremely useful in the treatment of a phobia. They seek to teach the individual how to identify triggers, interrupt thoughts, use…...

Coping with Airport Delays
For most of us the worst part of flying is when a delay annoucement is made. We are usually annoyed and find it hard to fill the time but for those who suffer from a…...

Coping with Take-Off and Landing on a Flight
Why do people have a fear of take-off and landing? We look at this rather less well known aspect of aerophobia...

How Airlines Can Help With the Fear of Flying
Airlines are now more aware that their business and passenger's welfare could be improved by being more attentive to the needs of the public, especially those…...

Learn How Aeroplanes Fly
For many sufferers of aerophobia, the fear is worsened by a lack of understanding on the mechanical operation and safety of the aeroplane. Due to this, some courses…...

Managing a Panic Attack
Panin attacks can be a vfrightening epxerience tfor the person suffering the attack but also for those who witness the attack. If you are aware that certain…...

Relaxation Techniques for Phobias
For those who do not know how to relax properly, there are a number of techniques that have been approved as effective methods. Relaxation, once learned, can benefit…...

Things to Do When Travelling by Air
Travelling by air doesn't have to be boring, there are loads of things to do....

Travelling Safely with Children
Taking a flight with children can add to an already stressful situation if you suffer from aerophboia but it may be possible to emlinate some of these worries by…...

Using Breathing Techniques for Phobias
Deep breathing is an approved technique used for helping toi regulate respiration rate, increase oxygen intake and carbon dioxide exhalations, improving overall…...

Using Self-Hypnosis to Reduce Fear
Self-hypnosis is a way liearing to readdress and cope with psychological issues such as phobias. It uses a variety of methods such as deep breathing exercises and…...

Why Alcohol is a No-No
Using alcohol as a coping mechanism for flight travel if you have a phobia may seem like an attractive idea but there are several reasons why this should be avoided at…...